Articles of Incorporation

Original Date of Incorporation: December 4, 1958
This is to certify:
First: That we the subscribers, Joseph Bonadio, whose post office address is 45 Emerson Road, Severna Park, Maryland; Homer Bowie, whose post office address is 216 Arundel Beach Road, Severna Park, Maryland; Joseph DeFoire, whose post office address is 220 Arundel Beach Road, Severna Park, Maryland; Eileen M. Hutchinson, whose post office address is 54 Whittier Parkway, Severna Park, Maryland, and Thomas P. McNamara, whose post office address is 218 McKeon Road, Severna Park, Maryland; all being of full legal age, do under and by virtue of the General Laws of the State of Maryland, authorizing the formation of corporations, associate ourselves with the intention of forming a corporation.
Second: The name of this corporation (which is hereinafter called "Corporation") is "The Oakleigh Forest Civic Association, Inc."
Third: Purposes. The purposes for which said corporation is formed and the business or objects to be promoted and carried on by it are as follows:
o    To perform the usual and necessary functions of a citizens association as a non stock, non profit corporation, for civic improvements to a community known as Oakleigh Forest in the third election district of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
o    To promote the general welfare of the residents of Oakleigh Forest; to make contracts, incur liabilities, to borrow money, to own land on behalf of the members of the association for the purpose of recreational facilities and to build and maintain recreational facilities such as boat docks, swimming pools, tennis courts, and whatever else is desired by the members.
o    The aforegoing enumeration of the purposes, objects and business of the Corporation is made in furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred upon the Corporation by law, and is not intended by the mention of a particular purpose, object or business, in any manner to limit or restrict the generality of any other purpose, object or business mentioned, or to limit or restrict any of the powers of the Corporation. The Corporation is formed upon the articles, conditions, and provisions herein expressed, and subject in all particulars to the limitations relative to corporations which are contained in the laws of the state.
Fourth: The post office address of the principal office of the Corporation in this state is 54 Whittier Parkway, Severna Park, Maryland. The name and address of the resident agent of the Corporation in this state is Eileen M. Hutchinson, 54 Whittier Parkway, Severna Park, Maryland. Said resident agent is a citizen of Maryland and actually resides therein.
Fifth: The corporation shall be without capital stock, and will not be operated for profit.
Sixth: The number of directors of the Corporation shall be nine, which number may be increased or decreased pursuant to the By-Laws of the Corporation, but shall never be less than three; and the names of the directors who shall act until the first annual meeting or until their successors are duly chosen and qualified are Robert N. Ash, James R. Dixon, Eileen M. Hutchinson, Thomas F. McNamara, Herbert Meyerhoff, Fred Wurzbacher, Andrew W. McCourt, Emil Bonadio and Joseph DeFiore.
Seventh: The conditions, methods of admission, qualifications and duties of members, directors and officers, the method of expulsion from and termination of membership, and expulsion from and termination of office of directors and officers; limitations upon or qualifications of voting power of members, directors and officers, and all other matters pertaining to membership, the directors and officers, and the conduct, management and control of the activities and the property and affairs of the corporation, shall be as provided from time to time by the By-Laws of the Corporation or any amendment or amendments thereto made in accordance with the terms thereof.
Eighth: All of the corporate powers and duties and the entire management and direction of the Corporation shall be vested in its members. The directors shall have such powers and duties to exercise and perform as shall be expressly vested in them by the By-Laws and affirmative action from time to time by the members.
Ninth: The private property of the members shall not be subject to the payment of corporation debts to any extent.
Tenth: The Board of Directors of the Corporation may exercise all such powers of management of the property and affairs of the Corporation and do all such lawful acts and things as are not by statute or by these Articles of Incorporation or by the By-Laws, directed or required to be exercised or done by the members. The By-Laws may also provide for such officers, agents and employees as may be desired.
Eleventh: The Corporation shall have perpetual existence.
Twelfth: The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision contained in these Articles of Incorporation in the manner now or hereafter prescribed by statue.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have signed these Articles of
Incorporation on November 24, 1958
County of Anne Arundel